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Two Lower Back Pain Causes…How to Fix Both

Beat back pain permanently

When you’re trying to figure out what is causing your lower back pain, quit thinking bulging discs and pinched nerves.

Yes, these structures can be pain generators. Along with muscles, ligaments, and joints.

The thing is, when a disc is painful the facet joints are loaded differently. When a joint is painful the disc is loaded differently. If a nerve is pinched the discs, joints, and muscles are going to be affected. Chances are if one tissue is a pain generator, several other tissues probably are too.

This is why chasing the tissue thought to be causing pain and then treating or attempting to treat that tissue is almost always unsuccessful over the long run. Sure, you may get some relief initially but the pain comes back. Or never completely goes away.

You’re not really figuring out and addressing the cause, you’re trying to treat the symptom (painful tissue) of the cause.

The real cause of your lower back pain is whatever makes the disc, facet joint, nerve, or muscle painful in the first place. Whatever is making these tissues painful is the cause of your back pain. If you can figure this out you have a good chance of beating back pain. If you keep chasing painful tissues your chances aren’t too good.

This video outlines two super common and overlooked causes of lower back pain.

Sitting down and standing up and sitting on your toilet in the morning. Don’t laugh.

You sit down and stand up dozens of times every day. You likely sit down on a toilet shortly after waking up. When there is more fluid and thus more pressure in your lumbar discs. Doing these two things wrong every day for years will not allow the tissues in your lower back to heal.

Do them right and your pain levels will decrease substantially. This video shows you how to sit down and stand up correctly. And how to sit on a toilet correctly. Simple yes. Usually mentioned or addressed with lower back pain, no.

Incorporate this movement pattern and positioning tweak today. You’ll have less lower back pain within the week.

For more videos that show you how to beat back pain subscribe to the Crush Back Pain channel

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