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Two Exercises to do While You Have Lower Back Pain

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One of the best, most effective ways to get over a bout of lower back pain is to stay active.

You want to continue or resume regular activities as soon as possible. Research has shown this to be more effective compared to usual care. Usual care consists of meds and advice to rest.

There are questions with staying active though. If you lift weights or exercise, what exercises should you do? How active should you be?

You need to do exercises that allow you to maintain a neutral lumbar spine and that don’t put excessive forces through the lower back. You should be as active as you usually are. You will need to modify some activities and movements but you shouldn’t be sitting around on the couch or lying in bed.

Two great exercises to work on while you’re getting over an episode of lower back pain are pull-ups and dips.

Both of these exercises allow you to work your entire trunk and arms with minimal load through your lumbar spine. Additionally you get a nice traction force through your lower back with both exercises. Traction decompresses the lumbar discs and facet joints and has the potential to decrease lower back pain.

If you’re fighting through a lower back injury or have regular lower back pain start doing some pull-ups and dips.

Both exercises allow you to stay active and may even decrease your lower back symptoms.

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