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The Best Sleeping Position for Lower Back Pain

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The best sleeping position for lower back pain involves keeping the natural curve in the lumbar spine.

This can be accomplished relatively easily with the use of pillows.

Pillows can be used to keep the lumbar spine in a neutral position, maintaining the natural lordosis if you’re a back sleeper, side sleeper, or a stomach sleeper.

This video shows you exactly how to use pillows and how to position yourself to allow the tissues in your lower back to heal and become desensitized while you sleep.

If you have lower back pain while in bed or when you wake up in the morning you need to take a look at two things. Your sleeping positions and your mattress.

If you don’t want to buy a new mattress start with the sleeping positions outlined in this video. If modifying your sleeping positions does not give you the pain relief you want look into getting the right mattress.  Check out The Best Mattress for Back Pain.

The tissues in your lower back need to heal and become less painful. Sleep is the prime time for healing and desensitization. If you’re lower back is stiff and painful in the morning the tissues are not getting the opportunity to heal.

Modify your sleeping positions and get the right mattress. Make sleep a time that facilitates healing of your lower back.

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