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piriformis syndrome exercises III

Beat back pain permanently

The piriformis syndrome exercises shown in this video are progressions from the first two videos.

This video continues with a focus on optimizing the strength and endurance of the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus.

You’re focusing on these muscles to reduce the load through the piriformis muscle.

This in turn decreases compression and/or tension through the sciatic nerve, decreasing sciatic nerve pain.

This video outlines the glut med sequence and the rear foot elevated split squat. The glut med sequence is four different exercises that you do consecutively, without stopping. After the glut med sequence you’re going to do some single leg work using the rear foot elevated split squat.

For the glut med sequence start with 8-10 reps of each of the four movements. Do the movements in sequence, without stopping. Work up to 15-20 reps of each movement over the next two weeks.

For the rear foot elevated split squat you’re going to use bodyweight and start with around 15 reps. Work up to 20-25 reps over the next two weeks.

If your piriformis syndrome symptoms and sciatic pain are related to glut med dysfunction the exercises outlined in this video series will eliminate or at the very least greatly reduce your symptoms.

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