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How You Can Fix Common Lower Back Pain Causes

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The cause of your lower back pain is not the bulging disc, the pinched nerve, or the muscle spasm.

Yes, one or more of these tissues may be a pain generator. But not the real cause of your pain. The actual cause of your pain is what makes the disc, nerve, or muscle painful in the first place.

This is almost always overlooked. The medical model for treating lower back pain dictates that we find a tissue we think is at fault, then treat that tissue. This sometimes results in pain relief but the pain comes back. Because whatever caused the disc, nerve, joint, or muscle to become painful in the first place is never addressed.

Most of the time what causes the tissues of the lower back to become painful is not a major injury.

It’s small movements we do every single day and never think about.

If we’re doing these movements in a way that causes micro-trauma to the lower back tissues pain is the eventual result.

Then you seek treatment that likely involves drugs, injections, stretches, exercises, even surgery. The pain comes and goes. You have good days and bad. But you’re never pain-free for very long. Regardless of what treatment you try.

Nothing is wrong with you. You’re simply not correcting the underlying cause of your lower back pain. You don’t know what it is, and even if you did you don’t know how to fix it.

Determining the cause of your lower back pain and fixing it isn’t rocket science.

It’s pretty straightforward. It does take some work though.

This video covers sitting and twisting and sitting for prolonged periods. If your lower back pain is felt while sitting, gets worse as the day goes on, or you spend large periods sitting and turning each day this video will help you.

When you have to sit and twist you need to keep your shoulders and hips square. This eliminates the forces that cause the lower back tissues to become painful.

When you’re not irritating these tissues every day they can heal. As they heal your pain level will decrease, then go away.

When you sit for large chunks of the day the tissues in your lower back slowly stretch out. This results in excessive motion of the lumbar segments along with increased forces through the lower back tissues.

Simply standing up every twenty minutes and reaching for the ceiling prevents the lower back tissues from slowly stretching out too much. This prevents excessive motion and forces through the lumbar discs, facet joints, and muscles. Again allowing the tissues to heal and become pain-free.

If you sit long periods, have increased lower back pain with sitting, or sit and twist repeatedly throughout the day incorporate these two spine healing strategies today.

Make them a habit and your lumbar discs, nerves, and muscles will heal and become less painful.

For more videos that show you how to beat back pain subscribe to the Crush Back Pain channel.


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