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How to Fix Lower back pain from sitting

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Sitting for prolonged periods is a common cause of lower back pain.

If you have lower back pain from sitting and spend time driving in your car this video is for you.

Car seats usually position your femur in too much flexion.

This causes your lumbar spine to round out, compressing the lumbar disc.

If you spend a considerable amount time commuting to and from work you need to get your car seat adjusted right.

Reducing the angle between your femur and your trunk will result in your lower back being positioned in a more neutral manner.

This results in less compression through your lumbar discs. Less compression in sitting will translate to less pain.

This video shows you how to get your seat set up to minimize pain causing forces through your lower back.

Getting the seat in your car adjusted properly will result in less lower back pain throughout the course of your day. In addition the tissues in your lower back will be able to heal because driving every day won’t be aggravating them.

Use this video to take care of your lower back pain from sitting in your car.

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