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How Herniated Discs Heal

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This video describes how herniated discs heal.

The process by which discs heal is called spontaneous regression. Basically the disc herniation decreases or completely goes away over a period of time.

Herniated discs are more likely to undergo spontaneous regression when they’re more severe. A disc that is completely extruded or sequestered has the best chance of spontaneous regression. This is good news.

The worse the herniation is the greater likelihood your body will take care of it naturally.

When a disc herniates the inner part (the nucleus pulposus) pushes out through the annulus fibrosus (outer part of the disc). If the inside is pushed completely out ( disc extrusion) or pushed out and part breaks off (sequestered disc herniation) there is a good chance spontaneous regression will occur.

With smaller disc herniations spontaneous regression happens, just less frequently.

There are three theories that describe how spontaneous regression occurs.

1. The herniated piece of nucleus pulposus dehydrates and shrinks.
2. The posterior longitudinal ligament pushes the herniation back into the disc.
3. There is an inflammatory and autoimmune response that basically cleans up the extruded nucleus pulposus.

It is likely that each of these proposed theories play a role in the healing of a herniated disc. In some cases each method of spontaneous regression could play a role. With the more severe disc herniations that result in sequestered disc material into the epidural space it’s likely that an inflammatory and autoimmune response is at work. It’s also likely that part of the disc material does dehydrate and shrink.

With a less severe disc herniation that does not result in sequestered nucleus pulposus the posterior longitudinal ligament could push the herniation back in to a degree.

The take home message is; discs heal. The more severe the herniation the more likely spontaneous regression is.

Even if you have a disc herniation that doesn’t completely resolve on MRI you can be pain-free.

It’s likely your body does not completely heal small disc herniations because they are normal and not problematic.

To see how you can help facilitate the disc healing process check out these videos.

How a Herniated Disc Will Heal and How to Help it Heal Faster and Stronger

Three Simple Ways to Heal Bulging Discs

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