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Herniated Disc Recovery Time

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How long does it take for a herniated disc to heal? Like all biological tissues, there is a wide variance in healing time of lumbar discs. The medical literature states that herniated discs take anywhere from 5 to 22 months to heal. The average is 13 months, so right around 1 year. The medical research paper Lumbar herniated disc: spontaneous regression covers this data.

What constitutes healing? Regression or healing of a disc in the medical literature is defined as an MRI that shows no disc herniation where there was a herniation. It’s important to remember that herniated lumbar discs can be asymptomatic. So there does not have to be a complete regression of a herniated disc to be pain-free.

This brings us to the next question. How long does herniated disc pain last? As with healing and regression of a herniated disc, there is a wide variance. The medical literature shows that herniated disc pain usually lasts anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks. So a month and a half to three months.

Lumbar herniated disc: spontaneous regression

Spontaneous regression of sequestrated lumbar disc herniations: Literature review

The pain goes away long before the disc is completely healed. This is good news. You don’t have to suffer for an entire year until the disc heals. It’s important to understand the time it takes for your disc to heal though. Even though you’re not having lower back pain after several months it’s still important to move and exercise in ways that promote disc health and healing.

Videos that cover how to do this can be found below, on the CrushBackPain Youtube channel.

How a Herniated Disc Will Heal and How to Help it Heal Faster and Stronger

Three Simple Ways to Heal Bulging Discs

For more videos that show you how to beat back pain subscribe to the Crush Back Pain channel.

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