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Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Beat back pain permanently

It can be a challenge to figure out what exercises to do if you have lower back pain.

There is a ton of information out there and a person can get confused and overwhelmed.

Instead of guessing or doing what someone else says helped them you need to figure out what back muscle groups are weak and dysfunctional for YOU. This way you’ll know exactly what needs to be addressed.

Once you know the spinal muscles that need work in your specific case you can go about setting up a program that targets these muscle groups.

There are three simple tests you can do at home. Without buying any equipment. These tests have been shown in the medical and rehabilitation literature to be reliable and specific. They are able to differentiate between people with a history of lower back pain and those without lower back pain.

You can do these simple tests at home and determine exactly where you stand. If your scores are not where they need to be then you know exactly what muscle groups need work. When you can dial in your exercise program to match your specific muscle performance impairments your results will be better than just doing random exercise that may or may not help.

You are going to look at three different tests. The static trunk extensor endurance test, the side bride endurance test, and the isometric trunk flexor endurance test.

The trunk extensor endurance test looks at the spinal extensors (multifidus, longissimus, iliocostalis). The side bridge endurance test looks at the lateral trunk musculature primarily (quadratus lumborum, internal and external obliques). The isometric trunk flexor endurance test looks at the anterior or front trunk muscles (rectus abdominis).

Each of these tests is measured in seconds.

Normal hold times for trunk extensor endurance test: Male 146 seconds. Female 189 seconds.

Normal hold times for side bridge endurance test: Male right 94 seconds. Left 97 seconds. Female right 72 seconds. Left 77 seconds.

Normal hold times for trunk flexor endurance test: Male 144 seconds. Female 149 seconds.

For the trunk extensor endurance test and the trunk flexor endurance tests the extensor hold time should be longer compared to the flexor hold time. The normal ratio of trunk flexor endurance to trunk extensor endurance is 0.84 for males and 0.72 for females. To figure out what your ratio is simply take your score in seconds on the trunk flexor endurance test and divide it by your score in seconds on the trunk extensor endurance test.

Basically if your trunk extensor endurance time is greater compared to your trunk flexor endurance time you’re good. If your trunk flexor endurance time is greater compared to your trunk extensor endurance time you have a muscle imbalance that needs to be addressed.

On the side bridge endurance test you test the left and right sides. The difference in time between the left and right sides should not be greater than 5% (0.05). So just divide your left score by your right score or vice versa. If the number is 0.05 or less there is no imbalance between sides. If it’s more than 0.05 you have an imbalance between the left and right sides that needs to be addressed.

Once you determine where you are with these three tests you know what you need to work on.

You may need to work on the back trunk muscles, the side trunk muscles, and the front trunk muscles. You may only need to work on one muscle group or two. Everyone has muscle impairments and imbalances that are unique to their lower back pain. Once you know what yours are you can address them. Opposed to waisting time doing exercises you don’t need to do or doing exercises that may be exacerbating your problem.

The next video series will show you what exercises to start with depending on what muscle weakness and endurance issues you uncovered with the tests.

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