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Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Beat back pain permanently

This video outlines the specific exercises you need to start with based on your findings from testing your back and core musculature.

If you found impaired trunk extensor muscles you will start with the bird dog exercise. Start out with a 6/4/2 set (explained in the video). You can progress the exercise by adding volume, adding hold time, and by making it more difficult by drawing squares and circles while you’re holding the position.

If you found that your side bridge endurance time is lacking on the right or left side or both you’ll start with the side bridge exercise. You can progress the side bridge by changing the position of your feet, adding volume, and adding hold time. Again, start out with a 6/4/2 set.

If your trunk flexor endurance time is impaired you need to start with the curl-up exercise. As per the other two exercises start with a 6/4/2 set. You can progress the trunk curl-up by changing the position of your arms, adding breaths to the up position, and by adding volume.

To make these exercises successful there are two requirements.

First, you have to do them precisely, your form and execution need to be spot on. Second, you need to do them every day.

Even if you found impairments with each of the three tests it would take you no more than ten minutes to work on all three exercises each day. Less time will be required if you only need to work on one or two of the exercises.

It will take some people only one or two weeks to start noticing less lower back pain. It may take other people a month or even two months. Every one is different.

After you master these exercises and build your trunk muscle endurance, neuromuscular control, and strength back up you’re lower back pain will be less painful and less frequent. Then you can build on these exercises with higher level movement work.

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