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Core Stability Exercises

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Effective core stability exercises train the core musculature without placing excessive compression and shear forcers through the lumbar spine.

There are many exercises that train the core effectively. Many of these exercises also place considerable loads through the lumbar tissues. If lower back pain is not a problem, people can do many of these exercises without any symptoms.

When lower back pain is a problem some of the core stability exercises can make back pain worse, or at the very least keep the symptoms around. Part of the picture with lower back pain is the inability of the tissues (discs and facet joints primarily) to attenuate load.

Pain and decreased activity levels result in the tissues of the lumbar spine being less resilient and less able to tolerate forces and loads. So it’s especially important for a core stability exercise program to improve the control, endurance, and strength of the core muscles without overloading the lumbar tissues. In addition to improving the muscle function of the core these exercises will place, healthy loads through the lumbar spine.

As tissue irritability and inflammation decrease the spine will gradually be able to tolerate increased loading.

As the spine is able to attenuate increased activity and increased loading and as the core muscle function improves, the exercises can be progressed.

This video covers the trunk curl-up, the side bridge, and the bird dog. Nothing new here, many of you will be familiar with these exercises. The key is doing each exercise precisely and doing each exercise consistently. Don’t let the simplicity fool you. These exercises together train the front, side, and back part of the core.

They work all the trunk musculature without placing too much load through the lower back. The set/rep scheme starts with a reverse pyramid of 6/4/2. This allows 12 total reps to be done without getting sloppy or too fatigued.

When done just right on a regular basis these three exercises build a solid foundation for core stability exercise progressions. Start with these three drills and master them. Work on them for two to four weeks. The next video covers how to progress these three particular exercises.

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