Eliminate Pain.  Build a Strong, Healthy Back.

The Top 5 Ab Exercises For Sciatica

Ab Exercises For Sciatica That Work

The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated lumbar disc.  Don’t do exercises that make herniated discs worse.  This only makes sciatica worse.  

Protect The Discs With Lumbar Neutral Positioning

Maintaining a neutral lumbar spine during ab exercises protects the disc.  This promotes disc healing opposed to irritating the disc and promoting disc injury.  

The Top 5 Ab Exercises For Sciatica

These abdominal exercises will train the trunk without placing excessive load through the discs.  


This is absolutely key when training the abs with sciatica.  Or if you’re pain-free right now but have a history of sciatica.  


5 Bad Exercises For Sciatica shows you what not to do.  

This video shows you what NOT to do

For Step by Step Ab and Whole Body Strength Training With Sciatica Check Out The Sciatica Program

The Sciatica Program works best for people who have a directional preference for lumbar extension.  

Determine if you have a directional preference.  

Sciatica Program

Build Strong Abs And A Strong Back...Crush Sciatica Pain

I Don't Have A directional Preference...Moving In Multiple Directions Makes My Sciatica Pain Worse

Some people don’t have a directional preference.  If you don’t but you have sciatica pain then you will need the Lumbar Stabilization Program.  

Use The Lumbar Stabilization Program To Erase Sciatic Pain

Lumbar Stabilization Program

No Directional Preference? No Problem...Maximize Ab Strength And Erase Sciatica Pain