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Exercises To Relieve Sciatica

Exercises To Relieve Sciatica

What Exercises Can I Do To Relieve Sciatica?

First, determine if you have a directional preference.

What’s a directional preference?  A directional preference is simply a direction of lower back movement that decreases your sciatica pain. 


If bending backward reduces your leg pain, your directional preference is extension.  


If bending forward decreases your leg pain, flexion is your directional preference.  


Most people under 60 to 65 years of age will have a directional preference into extension (bending backward).  


Older people (65 +) often have a directional preference into flexion.  


The difference is because of what causes sciatica.  When we’re younger a herniated disc is the usual cause.  When we’re older spinal stenosis (narrowing) is the most common cause.  


Once you have your directional preference figured out, you simply focus on exercises that match your directional preference.  


NOTE; not everyone has a directional preference.  If bending backward or forward does not reduce your sciatica pain then you need to focus on lumbar stabilization exercises. 

    Extension Exercises

    1. Prone press-up
    2. Prone positioning
    3. Standing extension 
    4. Standing overhead reach
    5. Lunge variations 

    Flexion Exercises

    1. Knees to chest
    2. Prayer stretch 
    3. Seated flexion 
    4. Standing flexion 

    Lumbar Stabilization Exercises

    Check out Core Stability, What It Is…Why It’s Important to get started with the right lumbar stabilization exercises.  

    If Your Directional Preference Is Extension Check Out The Crush Back Pain Sciatica Program

    Get the Herniated Disc With Sciatica Bundle For $197

    $499 Worth Of Programming for $197.  Offer Is Good Through 12/20/24.

    Herniated Disc With Sciatica Bundle

    Herniated Disc With Sciatica Bundle

    Everything you need to CRUSH Sciatica for GOOD


    Sciatica Exercise Program

    Crush Sciatic Pain, Build A Bulletproof Back