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Do Bulging Discs Heal? Yes…Three Ways to Maximize Healing Potential

Do Bulging Discs Heal Yes…Three Ways to Maximize Healing Potential

Bulging discs

Bulging discs are common and can be related to lower back and sciatica pain. When lower back and leg pain are a result of bulging discs it’s important to minimize forces through the posterior part of the disc, where it bulges.

Bulging discs are commonly referred to as herniated or slipped discs. For general discussion and the scope of this article consider the terms bulging disc, herniated disc, and slipped disc synonymous.

Do Bulging discs heal?

Bulging discs heal over time. The bulge will actually decrease or get smaller. The term used to describe this phenomenon in the medical literature is “spontaneous regression.” This process is common and well documented in lower back pain research.

This does not always happen and when spontaneous regression occurs the disc bulge does not always regress 100%. The point is, bulging discs heal. Most people believe they’re doomed to a life of lower back pain once they have a bulging disc. This is simply not true. The healing process takes time but can be sped up and made more effective if you know what to do, and what not to do.

How to reduce bulging disc pain and improve the odds of healing

The key to helping the disc heal is to avoid positions and movement patterns that put excessive flexion through your lumbar spine. Excessive flexion through your lumbar spine causes compressive forces through the disc and make it bulge more. Limiting or eliminating these forces allow the disc to heal.

Three ways to minimize flexion through the lumbar spine

  • Avoid stretching your lower back in a flexed position. This includes bending forward to touch your toes and pulling your knees up to your chest.
  • Don’t let the lumbar spine flex while stretching your hamstrings. If you do want or need to stretch your hamstrings, keep your back in a neutral position.
  • Control lumbar flexion for the first hour after waking up. This has been proven to reduce lower back pain.

Consistently making these three principles a habit will help your disc bulge to heal and stop causing back pain and sciatica pain.

To reduce sciatica pain due to a bulging disc check out this article on directional preference exercise for sciatica.