As your herniated disc heals specific signs will gradually emerge.
It’s important to know that these signs are not listed in any specific order. Also, there is considerable overlap. Multiple signs can occur simultaneously.
Another important fact to consider is that the time frame varies widely when we’re talking about herniated discs healing.
Some discs may heal within six to eight weeks. Other discs may take six months or even a year or longer to heal.
Each sign is listed with a brief explanation.
1. Sciatic Pain Lessens, Centralizes
If your herniated disc has caused sciatica one of the first signs of healing that people often notice is less pain. Pretty simple and expected.
Sciatic pain centralizing means it lessens in the leg or moves up towards the back.
Exercises To Relieve Sciatica has a video that describes sciatic pain centralizing, go to the 1:53 mark in the video.
2. Low Back Pain Lessens, Centralizes
A herniated disc can cause just lower back pain, without sciatica. When this is the case the signs that the disc are healing are the same as with sciatica.
Lower back pain lessens and centralizes.
Sometimes disc related lower back pain will radiate into the buttock area. When the pain centralizes it lessens in the buttock and moves up towards the lower back.
3. Low Back Pain Becomes Localized To A Smaller Area
Herniated disc caused lower back pain can be spread out over the entire lower back region, especially when it first starts and for the first week or two.
The area of pain getting smaller and more localized is a sign the disc is healing.
4. Morning Stiffness, Soreness Gradually Decreases And Eventually Goes Away
It’s very common for herniated lumbar discs to result in considerable lower back stiffness and soreness in the morning, when you first get out of bed.
When this morning stiffness and soreness begins to lessen it’s a sign that the disc is healing.

5. "Catching" Or Sharp Pain With Movement Lessens, Goes Away
Herniated discs commonly cause sharp, catching pain when people move around. Everyday movements as simple as standing, sitting down, and walking can cause sharp, catching pain.
As the disc heals sharp pains with movement and what people describe as “catching” will lessen and go away.
6. Lumbar Active Range Of Motion Increases
Herniated discs can make it difficult to move your back through even very small ranges.
As the disc heals you’ll notice you can move through greater ranges of motion with less pain.
7. You're Able To Move Faster, Quicker With Less Or No Pain
Fast, quick movements can be impossible when you have acute herniated disc pain.
As the disc heals you will be able to move faster and quicker without pain.
8. Your Spine Can Tolerate More Loading (Jumping, Running, etc.)
For many people with herniated disc pain jogging, running, or jumping seems impossible. And it very well may be for a period of time.
This is because the disc will not tolerate the loading (force through the disc) required with these activities.
As the disc heals it will begin to tolerate more loading. Running and jumping will again be possible.
Are There Stages Of Herniated Disc Healing?
Yes, The Stages Of Herniated Disc Healing: Timeline and Details outlines the specific stages and what to expect with each one.