Acute Inflammatory Phase
0-2 Weeks
This may only last 3-4 days for some people and may last 3-4 weeks for some people. There is a large variance between individuals as far as the time frame goes. You will have the most pain during the acute inflammatory phase.
Tissue Repair Phase
2-8 Weeks
Your body gets rid of injured tissue and starts to lay down new tissue. This can start as soon as day two and last past weight weeks. Typically the tissue repair phase is in that 2-8 week window.
Maturation, Remodeling Phase
8-16 Weeks
Tissue starts to become stronger. It starts to mature and remodel. This happens with tissue loading. It’s very important to be doing a specific rehabilitation program during this time so the new tissue becomes stronger. This phase can last for up to a year.
Long Term Management Phase
16 Weeks On
Some will say that after sixteen weeks the long term management phase starts. This phase is based primarily on time. During the long term management phase maturation and remodeling of tissue can still be happening.