Eliminate Pain.  Build a Strong, Healthy Back.

3 Effective Sciatica Foam Roller Exercises

Do These 3 Sciatica Foam Roller Exercises For Relief

  1. Foam roll hip flexors
  2. Foam roll plantar surface of feet
  3. Foam roll thoracic Extension

What about the sciatic nerve?

Using the foam roll to open up the hips and to reduce posterior chain fascial tension by rolling the plantar fascia is superior to rolling the sciatic nerve directly.  


Thoracic extension mobility work reduces force/load through the lower back and facilitates gentle lumbar extension.  Both of which effectively reduce sciatic pain. 

Shouldn't I roll the sciatic nerve too?

It depends on your symptoms. 


Once your sciatic pain is gone, or very mild, you can roll over the nerve pathway directly.  This may increase your symptoms for a short period.  Less than 5-10 minutes.  If sciatic symptoms are increased for longer than 10 minutes after rolling the nerve pathway, don’t do it yet.  Wait until the nerve is less irritable.  


Often times people experience more sciatic pain relief by rolling the hip flexors, bottoms of the feet, and working on thoracic extension opposed to rolling the buttock and back of the leg (sciatic nerve pathway).  


Start with the three foam roller exercises described and progress to rolling the sciatic nerve pathway once your symptoms are gone or very mild.  

Don't Want To Hassle With Putting Together Your Own Sciatica Rehab Program?

Check out the Crush Back Pain Sciatica Program.  Everything is laid out in an easy to follow format. 


No more guessing what exercises to do, how often to do them, how to progress, or what to do next.  


Everything You Need, Nothing You Don’t. 


Sciatica Program

Erase Sciatica Pain...Build A Strong, Resilient Back